Sing Like He Alone is Listening

They sing through my open window, in the dark. Unhindered in persistent song and certain of the dawn. They trust Him so.

The very ones that He spoke of when He wanted to convey His own deep knowing and caring for each person sing without a care—or perhaps the opposite—sing out of being greatly cared for.

For they do not sow or toil and how He cares for each one, not one of them falling to the ground without His knowing (Matt. 6:26).We were made to sing much greater songs than they.

Our songs were meant to awaken hearts to His constant, tender care and our deep belovedness to Him.

Awakening Songs are Born in Belovedness

Such awakening songs can only be authentic. They only shake a dull heart from its stupor if they are real and not forged - songs undergirded by deep knowing and confidence of His love.

We might call it living before the Audience of One. But that’s because we are perpetually fighting our way out of living before one another and trying to live solely with Him as our Audience, Him as the One who defines us, Him as the One whose eyes we watch for our value.

But these little songbirds, in their God-fashioned simplicity, have no such tug-of-war. For them, He IS their only audience.  When their little chests swell with their morning song, they fear nothing. Their songs ring with courage, as ones greatly cared for.

The Maker who watches is everything and joy in living before His eyes is enough to sing in the dark, sing at the risk of annoying the sleepers, sing before their song is even fully welcomed by the waking world.

We must sing as they do. And as they wait for the reception of Him alone and never tire in doing what they were created to—to meet His heart and bring Him pleasure—so must we sing.

Vulnerability is rarity, and an open heart freely shared is courage in motion. Such striking displays of bravery point to an anchor lodged beyond the tossing waves and changing tides of the opinions of men. These are the truly free. They are free to sing in great chorus and company without fear, for their applause is singular. It is found high in the balcony seat.

“Encore!” He Shouts from His Balcony Seat

Sometimes we wait to sing full-throttle, with our heart on the line – singing as though it counts – until we feel permission by those around us, broken as we are. Yet before the Maker, these are unnecessary delays. We were made for Him – by Him and through Him (Col. 1:16).

Oldest, most simple truths. Yet that’s the message I heard out my window this morning. And the little heralders of the message never tire of repetition, of perpetually giving the same reminder and witness.

And in my sleeping heart, I needed the sing for HIM, and as though He alone is listening.The One who fashioned us for Himself labors to form in us the pure and unbroken sound of hearts alive and so confident in His love.

And as we lift our little voice, many times when it seems still too dark or too risky, He arises at the sound.

“Encore!” He shouts from His balcony seat.

“Encore!” He whispers straight to the heart.

“Sing it again! Sing with your heart on the line. I'll be here to watch, to receive, to delight in your song!” “Encore,” says the smile in His eyes, never weary. “Sing it again, for ME.”


When You Can't Make Sense of Today, Do This. [Audio]


Epic Story. Highest Love. Heroic Lives.