The Lord marked my heart deeply in my early days by His jealousy and passion and drew my heart into the life-vision of seeking the glorious treasure of the knowledge of God, discovering His beauty and love, and then responding in extravagant affection and abandonment to Him.

My husband Matt and I and our four kids live in Kansas City, Missouri, where we have had the privilege of serving on the leadership team of the International House of Prayer since its beginning in 1999. Our primary assignment is to minister and labor alongside singers, musicians and intercessors in this prayer room, to pour out our hearts and strength to exalt and adore the name of Jesus, and to cry out in agreement with His promises—that an unceasing witness of the beauty and worth of Jesus would go forth.  

Together, Matt and I serve as the Prayer Directors at the International House of Prayer University, where I teach regularly on subjects such as intimacy with Jesus, growing in prayer, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Song of Solomon. I also love to write and have authored four books: First Love (my newest), Deep Unto Deep, Entirety, and Longing for His Return -  and am a contributing author to The Rewards of Fasting by Mike Bickle.

As a Bible teacher, intercessor and author, my passion is to see the Church across the earth fully alive in deep love for Jesus, walking in the first commandment, and shining together in unity and love, a burning witness to a world growing cold, as His return draws near.

Join me as I seek His beauty, as I press into the fullness of what He would give us together in Him. How tender can our hearts me? How fully alive? How much of His beauty will He allow us to see? May we abandon ourselves unto Him and may He give us every grace to walk in that fullness. May we discover new insights of His heart, new revelations of His unsearchable riches, and new understandings of His glorious story—and ours together with Him.

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